Sunday, August 25, 2013

Peer-to-Peer Networks

  1. In the peer to peer computer network model we simply use the same Workgroup for all the computers and a unique name for each computer in a computer network.
  2. There is no master or controller or central server in this computer network and computers join hands to share files, printers and Internet access.
  3. It is practical for workgroups of a dozen or less computers making it common environments, where each PC acts as an independent workstation and maintaining its own security that stores data on its own disk but which can share it with all other PCs on the network.
  4. Software for peer-to-peer network is included with most modern desktop operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS.

Modem: What is a Modem? Types of Modems

Modem is abbreviation for Modulator – Demodulator. Modems are used for data transfer from one computer network to another computer network through telephone lines. The computer network works in digital mode, while analog technology is used for carrying massages across phone lines.

Network Security

Data on the network is analogous to possessions of a person. It has to be kept secure from others with malicious intent. This intent ranges from bringing down servers on the network to using people's private information like credit card numbers to sabotage of major organizations with a presence on a network. To secure data, one has to ensure that it makes sense only to those for whom it is meant. This is the case for data transactions where we want to prevent eavesdroppers from listening to and stealing data. Other aspects of security involve protecting user data on a computer by providing password restricted access to the data and maybe some resources so that only authorized people get to use these,  and identifying miscreants and thwarting their attempts to cause damage to the network among other things.
The various issues in Network security are as follows :
  1. Authentication: We have to check that the person who has requested for something or has sent an e-mail is indeed allowed to do so. In this process we will also look at how the person authenticates his identity to a remote machine.
  2. Integrity: We have to check that the message which we have received is indeed the message which was sent. Here CRC will not be enough because somebody may deliberately change the data. Nobody along the route should be able to change the data.
  3. Confidentiality: Nobody should be able to read the data on the way so we need Encryption
  4. Non-repudiation: Once we sent a message, there should be no way that we can deny sending it and we have to accept that we had sent it.
  5. Authorization: This refers to the kind of service which is allowed for a particular client. Even though a user is authenticated we may decide not to authorize him to use a particular service.
For authentication, if two persons know a secret then we just need to prove that no third person could have generated the message. But for Non-repudiation we need to prove that even the sender could not have generated the message. So authentication is easier than Non-repudiation. To ensure all this, we take the help of cryptography. We can have two kinds of encryption :
  1. Symmetric Key Encryption: There is a single key which is shared between the two users and the same key is used for encrypting and decrypting the message.
  2. Public Key Encryption: There are two keys with each user : a public key and a private key. The public key of a user is known to all but the private key is not known to anyone except the owner of the key. If a user encrypts a message in his private key then it can be decrypted by anyone by using the sender's public key. To send a message securely, we encrypt the message in the public key of the receiver which can only be decrypted by the user with his private key.
Symmetric key encryption is much faster and efficient in terms of performance. But it does not give us Non-repudiation. And there is a problem of how do the two sides agree on the key to be used assuming that the channel is insecure ( others may snoop on our packet ). In symmetric key exchange, we need some amount of public key encryption for authentication. However, in public key encryption, we can send the public key in plain text and so key exchange is trivial. But this does not authenticate anybody. So along with the public key, there needs to be a certificate. Hence we would need a public key infrastructure to distribute such certificates in the world.

What Is a Gaming Router?

You my have noticed some home broadband routers being marketed as gaming routers. People can play online games through routers that aren't considered gaming routers, but certain kinds of routers offer a few specific network performance features that make them more attractive to gamers:
  • high-speed Ethernet ports: Gamers often prefer wired connections to wireless and expect Gigabit Ethernet speeds at a minimum
  • high-speed Wi-Fi: When Ethernet cables aren't a practical option, gamers need the fastest Wi-Fi connectivity available; nowadays, this means802.11ac and sometimes even dual band routersupport
  • traffic prioritization features: Gaming routers support special Quality of Service (QoS)configuration options that allow the network data for games to be processed faster at the expense of processing other kinds of traffic slower - examples of these technologies include Qualcomm StreamBoost

What Is Project Loon?

What Is Project Loon?

This week, Google's Project Loon was accepting applications from residents in central California (USA) to test the experimental system. Project Loon is a unique method of providing wireless Internet service in rural areas using a network of high-altitude air balloons. Those participating in the upcoming California trial will have a special antenna installed at their residence that connects with the balloons floating more than 10 miles above the earth, which in turn route traffic back to Internet providers on the ground.

The first public trial of Project Loon was held in June in New Zealand, but for only 50 lucky users; it remains to be seen how widely useful such a system can become.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What Is a Socket?

Normally, a server runs on a specific computer and has a socket that is bound to a specific port number. The server just waits, listening to the socket for a client to make a connection request.
On the client-side: The client knows the hostname of the machine on which the server is running and the port number on which the server is listening. To make a connection request, the client tries to rendezvous with the server on the server's machine and port. The client also needs to identify itself to the server so it binds to a local port number that it will use during this connection. This is usually assigned by the system.

If everything goes well, the server accepts the connection. Upon acceptance, the server gets a new socket bound to the same local port and also has its remote endpoint set to the address and port of the client. It needs a new socket so that it can continue to listen to the original socket for connection requests while tending to the needs of the connected client.

On the client side, if the connection is accepted, a socket is successfully created and the client can use the socket to communicate with the server.
The client and server can now communicate by writing to or reading from their sockets.

Definition: A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. A socket is bound to a port number so that the TCP layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent.

An endpoint is a combination of an IP address and a port number. Every TCP connection can be uniquely identified by its two endpoints. That way you can have multiple connections between your host and the server.
The package in the Java platform provides a class, Socket, that implements one side of a two-way connection between your Java program and another program on the network. The Socket class sits on top of a platform-dependent implementation, hiding the details of any particular system from your Java program. By using the class instead of relying on native code, your Java programs can communicate over the network in a platform-independent fashion.
Additionally, includes the ServerSocket class, which implements a socket that servers can use to listen for and accept connections to clients. This lesson shows you how to use the Socket and ServerSocket classes.
If you are trying to connect to the Web, the URL class and related classes (URLConnectionURLEncoder) are probably more appropriate than the socket classes. In fact, URLs are a relatively high-level connection to the Web and use sockets as part of the underlying implementation. See Working with URLs for information about connecting to the Web via URLs.

Types of Servers

Device Servers

A device server is defined as a specialized, network-based hardware device designed to perform a single or specialized set of server functions. It is characterized by a minimal operating architecture that requires no per seat network operating system license, and client access that is independent of any operating system or proprietary protocol. In addition the device server is a "closed box," delivering extreme ease of installation, minimal maintenance, and can be managed by the client remotely via a Web browser.

Print servers, terminal servers, remote access servers and network time servers are examples of device servers which are specialized for particular functions. Each of these types of servers has unique configuration attributes in hardware or software that help them to perform best in their particular arena.

Print Servers

Print servers allow printers to be shared by other users on the network. Supporting either parallel and/or serial interfaces, a print server accepts print jobs from any person on the network using supported protocols and manages those jobs on each appropriate printer.

Print servers generally do not contain a large amount of memory; printers simply store information in a queue. When the desired printer becomes available, they allow the host to transmit the data to the appropriate printer port on the server. The print server can then simply queue and print each job in the order in which print requests are received, regardless of protocol used or the size of the job.

Multiport Device Servers

Devices that are attached to a network through a multiport device server can be shared between terminals and hosts at both the local site and throughout the network. A single terminal may be connected to several hosts at the same time (in multiple concurrent sessions), and can switch between them. Multiport device servers are also used to network devices that have only serial outputs. A connection between serial ports on different servers is opened, allowing data to move between the two devices.

Given its natural translation ability, a multi-protocol multiport device server can perform conversions between the protocols it knows, like LAT and TCP/IP. While server bandwidth is not adequate for large file transfers, it can easily handle host-to-host inquiry/response applications, electronic mailbox checking, etc. And it is far more economical than the alternatives of acquiring expensive host software and special-purpose converters. Multiport device and print servers give their users greater flexibility in configuring and managing their networks.

Whether it is moving printers and other peripherals from one network to another, expanding the dimensions of interoperability or preparing for growth, multiport device servers can fulfill your needs, all without major rewiring.

Access Servers

While Ethernet is limited to a geographic area, remote users such as traveling sales people need access to network-based resources. Remote LAN access, or remote access, is a popular way to provide this connectivity. Access servers use telephone services to link a user or office with an office network. Dial-up remote access solutions such as ISDN or asynchronous dial introduce more flexibility. Dial-up remote access offers both the remote office and the remote user the economy and flexibility of "pay as you go" telephone services. ISDN is a special telephone service that offers three channels, two 64 Kbps "B" channels for user data and a "D" channel for setting up the connection. With ISDN, the B channels can be combined for double bandwidth or separated for different applications or users. With asynchronous remote access, regular telephone lines are combined with modems and remote access servers to allow users and networks to dial anywhere in the world and have data access. Remote access servers provide connection points for both dial-in and dial-out applications on the network to which they are attached. These hybrid devices route and filter protocols and offer other services such as modem pooling and terminal/printer services. For the remote PC user, one can connect from any available telephone jack (RJ45), including those in a hotel rooms or on most airplanes.

Network Time Servers

A network time server is a server specialized in the handling of timing information from sources such as satellites or radio broadcasts and is capable of providing this timing data to its attached network. Specialized protocols such as NTP or udp/time allow a time server to communicate to other network nodes ensuring that activities that must be coordinated according to their time of execution are synchronized correctly. GPS satellites are one source of information that can allow global installations to achieve constant timing.